Saturday, January 23, 2016

WSO2 API Manager 1.10.0 - Introducing a custom Lifecycle to an API

WSO2 API Manager 1.10.0 comes with many new features. One of them is the facility to attach custom lifecycle to an API. API manager before 1.10 had only CREATED, PUBLISHED , DEPRECATED, RETIRED , BLOCKED, PROTOTYPED states for an api. With the new version, user can attach more states to an api.

WSO2 api manager uses WSO2 Governance registry Lifecycle features to implement this.  You can get more information about this from the Extending the API Life Cycle section in WSO2 api manager documentation

I'll use this feature to implement a scenario where user sends a notification about  a state change of an api.  this will implement a scenario where user sends an email notification to the business owner of the api when he retires the api.

Main steps:

1. Create a custom executor to handle the custom state change.

When creating a custom executor you have to use org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.interfaces.Execution interface for the implementation and implement execute()method

import java.util.Map;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.interfaces.Execution;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.handlers.RequestContext;

public class CustomExecutor implements Execution {

    String param;

    public boolean execute(RequestContext context, String currentState, String targetState) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public void init(Map arg) {
     param = (String) arg.get("param");


For this scenario I created an executor to send email. See You can pass parameters to the executor through the lifecycle.  Refere following property definition in the lifecycle on how this is done (In the next section)

<parameter name="emailUsername" value="xxxxxxxxxx" />
<parameter name="emailPassword" value="xxxxxxxxxx" />

I followed when creating the email sender. 
If you are interested in how the default executor works you can refere source code for the default executor org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.executors.APIExecutor in here

Once you created the custom executor, build .jar and deploy it in the wso2am-1.10.0/repository/components/lib location. 

I attached the sample for the reference

2. Create a custom lifecycle and deploy it.

First log in to Carbon management console and update the lifecycle configuration. Please refer  Extending the API Life Cycle on how to access that resource.

For this I use the default lifecycle and removed the "Deprecated" section and add the following section. Full lifecycle xml can be found in here

   <state id="Deprecated">
            <data name="transitionExecution">
                <execution forEvent="Notify Business Owner" class="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.MailExecutor">
                    <parameter name="emailUsername" value="xxxxxxxxxx" />
                    <parameter name="emailPassword" value="xxxxxxxxxx" />
        <transition event="Notify Business Owner" target="Notified"/>
    <state id="Notified">
            <data name="transitionExecution">
                <execution forEvent="Retire"
        <transition event="Retire" target="Retired"/>

Note that I have used org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.MailExecutor instead of the default executor org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.executors.APIExecutor  and passed the username password parameters in the <execution> section.

Provide valid email username and a password for this property
<parameter name="emailUsername" value="xxxxxxxxxx" />
<parameter name="emailPassword" value="xxxxxxxxxx" />

In this Lifecycle we have introduced a new state "Notified" and provided a transition event "Notify Business Owner" in the Deprecated state.

<transition event="Notify Business Owner" target="Notified"/>

Once user in the Deprecated state, a button will be displayed with the label Notify Business Owner to change the state to Notified

Note: add following entry to the wso2am-1.10.0/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/site/conf/locales/jaggery/locale_default.json file. The key element is in the lower case. 

 "notify business owner" : "Notify Business Owner"


The scenario is based on sending an email to the business owner of that api regarding API deprecation.

1. Create an API . See Create and Publish an API in the product documentation for more details.
2. Go to the Manage section in the publisher application and fill the Business Information section and save it. business owner email address is used to send the notification.

3. Go to the Overview section of the api and select the lifecycle tab. If you have published the api, It would show a "Deprecate" button. Select it and it would navigate to the newly created state.

Once you click this, User defined as the business owner would get an email

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